Thursday, August 11, 2016

Sugar Loaf Mountain Hike

When: Tuesday, October 4, 2 PM:
We will meet in the parking lot at the base of Sugarloaf for any home schooling family that would like to hike the mountain together. Date may change due to weather.

Homeschool Park Picnic

When:  Saturday, September 17, 12-3PM
Where: Presque Isle Park Ice Cream Store Pavilion

Bring meat to grill and a dish to pass! Any and every home schooling family is welcome to come!  A grill will be there for everyone's food to be cooked on, or you can bring your own charcoal and use one of the park grills.  We will meet in the pavilion by the ice cream store, and the kids can play at the park. Come and meet other home schooling parents and their kids.  Find new friends or kids the same age as yours for your kids to play with.  Make sure you watch the weather and bring clothes that are appropriate.  It can get pretty cold down there, even in September!  If it rains, the date may be postponed to the following weekend, but we will not have use of the pavilion, in which case we would meet at the playground and just get picnic tables together.

Homeschooling Start Up Meeting

 Monday, September 12, 6-8 pm:  Peter White Public Library Community Room

If you are a home schooling parent, or interested in home schooling, we'd love for you to attend the beginning of the year start up meeting. Come and find out what will be happening during the school year (activities, field trips, what's on the horizon), share ideas, and meet new friends.  Also, meet those who are in charge of different aspects of our home school community!  Bring a dessert to share.  Please, parents only! No children. (Breastfeeding babies will be welcome). Also we do have to pay for various event venues, so a donation can will be set out. If each family could donate $5 for the year, this would go so far in helping retain current and future venues.  Anything you can do will be very much appreciated!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Mom's/girls Meeting

Monday, August 22nd we will be kicking off the new school year with a mom's meeting at Culvers. Come join us for fun and fellowship starting at 6:30 pm. Tween and teen girls are welcome to come and visit in their own booth! Hope to see you there!